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I have guest-edited various scholarly volumes positioned at the intersection of Austrian studies, Habsburg studies, and Jewish studies. These include two special issues of the Journal of Austrian Studies, both of which appeared in 2023, and a special issue of PaRDeS: Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany published in 2024. These three volumes showcase the work of around forty scholars working in multiple countries and various interdisciplinary fields.

Baroque façade on a listed building in Vienna city centre

Intersections between Jewish Studies and Habsburg Studies

Pardes: Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany 29 (2024), Special Issue: Intersections between Jewish Studies and Habsburg Studies, 201 pp.

In the aftermath of the Shoah and the ostensible triumph of nationalism, it became common in historiography to relegate Jews to the position of the “eternal other” in a series of binaries: Christian/Jewish, Gentile/Jewish, European/Jewish, non-Jewish/Jewish, and so forth. For the longest time, these binaries remained characteristic of Jewish historiography, including in the Central European context. Assuming instead, as the more recent approaches in Habsburg studies do, that pluriculturalism was the basis of common experience in formerly Habsburg Central Europe, and accepting that no single “majority culture” existed, but rather hegemonies were imposed in certain contexts, then the often used binaries are misleading and conceal the complex and sometimes even paradoxical conditions that shaped Jewish life in the region before the Shoah.

The very complexity of Habsburg Central Europe both in synchronic and diachronic perspective precludes any singular historical narrative of “Habsburg Jewry,” and it is not the intention of this volume to offer an overview of “Habsburg Jewish history.” The selected articles in this volume illustrate instead how important it is to reevaluate categories, deconstruct historical narratives, and reconceptualize implemented approaches in specific geographic, temporal, and cultural contexts in order to gain a better understanding of the complex and pluricultural history of the Habsburg Empire and the region as a whole.

Table of Contents:

Tim Corbett, Björn Siegel, and Mirjam Thulin 
“Towards Pluricultural and Connected Histories: Intersections between Jewish and Habsburg Studies”

Moritz Csáky 
“Habsburg Central Europe: A Culturally Heterogeneous and Polysemous Region”

Klaus Hödl 
“Blurring the Boundaries of Jewishness: Exploring Jewish-non-Jewish Neighborliness and Similarity”

Verena Kasper-Marienberg 
“Imperial Transition and Early Modern Jewish Continuities: The Case of Bohemian Jewry”

Ilya Berkovich 
“Jewish Mercenaries in Habsburg Service: Soldiers of the Freikorps Grün Loudon (1796–98)”

Johannes Czakai 
“Between Legibility, Emancipation, and Markers of ‘Otherness’: The Habsburg Empire and the Names of Jews”

Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska 
“Shared Spaces: Jews in Public Schools in Galicia”

Martin Stechauner 
“‘Domestic Foreigners’: The Trans-Imperial Loyalties of Sephardic Jews in Vienna”

Lida-Maria Dodou 
“‘Austrian,’ ‘Jewish,’ ‘Salonican’: The Multiple Aspects of Belonging of Salonican Jews  in the Fin-de-Siècle Habsburg Empire”

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek 
“What was ‘Jewish’ about the Old Jewish Museum of Vienna?”

Omar T. Nasr and Tim Corbett 
“Diversifying Modern Austrian History: Exploring Parallels and Intersections between Jewish and Muslim Histories in Austria”


You can read the full volume here.

Pardes 29 Cover.jpg

Interdisciplinarity and Diversity in Austrian Studies

Journal of Austrian Studies 56/4 (Winter 2023), Special Issue: Interdisciplinarity and Diversity in Austrian Studies, 160 pp.

This special volume of the Journal of Austrian Studies — the second of two volumes originally conceived to showcase “New Directions in Austrian Studies” — is dedicated to two complex issues, namely sociological diversity and its investigation in interdisciplinary scholarship. The authors who participated in this volume locate themselves in a variety of fields, including history, musicology, literature studies, cultural studies, anthropology, and sociology. Their articles cover topics as varied as dis/ability, fascism, film music, travel literature, environmental history, gender, war, kinship, and racism, which are explored through manifold theoretical lenses and methodological approaches including discourse analysis, the history of emotions, gender theory, (post-)migration, and oral history. In short, these articles showcase the profound diversity that has shaped modern Austria — and the equally profound diversity that has become so characteristic of the field of Austrian studies.

Table of Contents:

Tim Corbett
“Introduction: Interdisciplinarity and Diversity in Austrian Studies”

Julia Heinemann
“Historicizing Invalids in the Early Modern Habsburg Monarchy: A Dis/ability History Approach”

Britta McEwen
“Feeling(s) Caught Between the Austrian First Republic and Fascism”

Ingeborg Zechner
“Springing from the Land of Music: Hollywood’s Film Music Between ‘Austrian’ Entertainment and ‘German’ Arts”

Antonia Villinger
“Literatur und Energie in Joseph Roths Der Rauch verbindet Städte (1926)”

Nicole Haring, Roberta Maierhofer, and Barbara Zach
“Social and Cultural Narratives of Aging Masculinities in Austria”

Julia Anna Tyll-Schranz
“‘Yugoslavia Does Not Exist Anymore, But Yugoslavia’s Capital Does, and It Is Called Vienna’: Revisiting Vienna through the Lens of (Post-)Yugoslav Migration Practices”

Darko Leitner-Stojanov and Robert Pichler
“On the Dynamics of Kinship in Migration Processes: Some Perspectives from Historical-Anthropological Studies on North Macedonian Migrants in Austria”

Philipp Rohrbach
“Life Stories of Children of Black US Occupation Soldiers and Austrian Women”

Sabrina Steindl-Kopf and Sanda Üllen

“Romani Activism and Postmigration Experiences in Contemporary Austria”


You can view the full table of contents including abstracts of the individual articles here. The full volume is available on Muse.

Cover image of Journal of Austrian Studies 56/4 (Winter 2023), Special Issue: Interdisciplinarity and Diversity in Austrian Studies

Empire and (Post-)Colonialism in Austrian Studies

Journal of Austrian Studies 56/2 (Summer 2023), Special Issue: Empire and (Post-)Colonialism in Austrian Studies, 146 pp.

Globalisation, migration, transnationalism, empire/imperialism (post-) colonialism/decolonisation, heterogeneity, diversity, interculturality, cosmopolitanism: These are some of the most influential concepts that have shaped not only academic research but also public and political discourses across the globe in recent years. The field of Austrian studies has already been engaging innovatively and productively with these issues for quite some time now. This special issue of the Journal of Austrian Studies, the first of two volumes broadly dedicated to “New Directions in Austrian Studies”, showcases numerous disciplinary and methodological approaches to the issue of empire and (post-)colonialism in Austrian Studies.

Table of Contents:

Tim Corbett
“Introduction: Empire and (Post-) Colonialism in Austrian Studies”

Dirk Rupnow and Jonathan Singerton
“Habsburg Colonial Redux: Reconsidering Colonialism and Postcolonialism in Habsburg/Austrian History”

Orel Beilinson
“What is Austro-Hungarian History to the Eurasianist?”

Mathieu Gotteland
“Austro-Hungarian Informal Imperialism in China, 1869-1917”

Amy Millet
“Global Connections and Culinary Conceptions of Cultural Identity in Nineteenth-Century Austrian Food Literature”

Lida Maria Dodou
“Emigration to the Habsburg Empire: The Case of Salonica Jews, 1867-1918”

Salvatore Pappalardo and Saskia Elizabeth Ziolkowski
“The Emergence of Austro-Italian Literary Studies”

Christian S. Davis
“Hugo Bettauer, Feminism, and the Non-White World in Interwar Vienna”

Dylan Price
“In the Presence of ‘Gypsiness’: Dvořák, Ecocriticism, Stimmung

Christian Hütterer

“From Idealistic Legacy to Pragmatic Cooperation? Central Europe, the European Union and Austrian Foreign Policy”


You can view the full table of contents including abstracts of the individual articles here. The full volume is available on Muse.

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